by Bethany Kibler | Nov 25, 2016 | Business, CoretekCloud, Education, Group, Infrastructure
Starting on the 1st of December, here at Coretek we will be running our version of the 12 days of Christmas! Expect to see offers, competitions, discounts, free tips and much more! All you have to do is make sure you follow our new posts every day. We will be starting...
by Bethany Kibler | Feb 25, 2016 | Group
Not too long ago, on the 11th of February, marked Coretek’s 17th Birthday! Coretek was born on February the 11th 1999. Our Managing Director Garry Miller vowed to provide a real alternative to an IT Industry where the companies were more concerned with their...
by Bethany Kibler | Jan 20, 2016 | Education, Social
Educational technology experts Microsoft and Coretek are proud to present this unique one-off event on Office 365 for schools. Get expert advice on the latest Office tips and tricks from the very company that brought you the Office suite. Learn how to empower staff...