The internet is such an integral part of our lives that it is easy to forget about the potential risks involved when surfing the web. This quick guide provides some best practices to follow to make sure you are staying safe online.

Don’t use open or insecure WiFi networks

Everyone loves free WiFi right? Well… yes, but before you connect, stop and think. Firstly, is the WiFi an open network? If you don’t need to enter a password to connect, then anyone else can gain access to the wireless network too and therefore, you have no idea who you are sharing that network with. Don’t do it.

Almost as bad are wireless networks with outdated security such as WEP, which can be cracked by a 15-year-old YouTuber in a matter of minutes. Make sure the wireless networks you connect to have WPA2 encryption. Here’s how to check on Windows 10.

  1. Click on the wifi icon in the bottom right.
  2. Find your wireless network and click on the ‘properties’ link.

Check wifi encryption screenshot 1

3. In the next screen, look under ‘security type’ (you may need to scroll down). Hopefully, you will see WPA2. 

Check wifi encryption screenshot 2


Only use HTTPS when entering card details (look for the padlock)

If you are entering sensitive details into a website, such as your credit card details, make sure that the page is a secure, encrypted HTTPS page. You can easily tell by looking for the padlock in the address bar and https:// before the name of the website. 


Always buy with a credit card

On the subject of credit cards, it is wise to use always use a credit card when shopping online. In the event of card fraud, you have much greater legal protection from your credit card provider than with a debit card.


Be careful when sharing any personal details

The title is pretty much self-explanatory. Be vigilant when you are online, in particular when you are sharing or entering any personal details such as your name, address, phone number, passwords and bank/credit card details. Here is a quick check you can do before entering any sensitive information:

  • Is this website or person who they say they are? Carefully check the website address and make sure this is correct.
  • Always check for the padlock when entering sensitive details.
  • If you are unsure, double check by sending a phone or email to the person or company.


Want to find out more?

This blog article comes from one of the chapters from our ebook – The 7 Simple Steps to Protect Yourself Online in Minutes.

If you found it useful, why not download a copy now? It’s our jargon-free guide to help anyone vastly improve their online security right away. Even better, you can start implementing the steps right away and you don’t need any technical knowledge to do so.

7 Simple Steps Ebook Cover
By the way, it’s completely free. Download your copy now.