Tomorrow morning sees the exciting online event called ‘Hack the Classroom’. Microsoft are bringing together inspiring educators and thought leaders to share their very own secrets with you. This had been designed to inspire teachers and enable you to incorporate the new ideas and tools that you learn from this online event, into your classroom.
By attending this online event you will be able to gain access to professional development resources and tools in order to get your hackathon started! You will be able to take a glimpse into teachers who have already taken this on board and see how these small changes do really make a big impact. You will also be able to engage, interact and pose questions to the speakers and educators.
Lets take a brief look at the agenda for the day…
Interactive Maker Space
Jordan Shapiro, an education thought leader called, will be taking you on a tour of the live make space.
Glimpse into a classroom using OneNote
MIE Expert and elementary special education teacher Laura Pittman, takes a look at the learning tools within OneNote to show how her students reading and writing skills have been dramatically increased.
Thought Leader Keynote
John Kao shares with us his ideas on how to build a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship for students.
Glimpse into a Classroom using Minecraft
Patricia Romero will show you her journey of using Minecraft in her lesson, to then spreading this across her school and schools across Latin America.
Virtual Field Trip with Skype
Skype Master Teacher and MIE Expert, Dyane Smokorowski has used Skype to open the walls of her classroom and she will be taking you on a Virtual field trip.
Maker Space Panel
Listen to how other teachers from the Marker Space share what it was like ‘making’ for the first time. Get to see how they connect this to their curriculum.
So if you want to join #HackTheClassroom it takes place on September the 24th 2016 at 08:00AM – 10:00AM PST. That’s tomorrow! So go and register now and don’t miss out on a very innovative live event that will take your classroom to the next level!
Register here.