For those who do not know, today is World Book Day! So what is World Book Day? Its is a day of celebration for authors, illustrator, books and reading. World Book Day is celebrated in over 100 countries all over the world and this is the 21st year that there has been a World Book Day.
The main aim of today is to get children of all ages to come together to celebrate reading. This is done by children dressing up as their favourite character from a book and by each student receiving a book token that has been kindly donated by National Book Tokens Ltd., which they can use to get £1 off a book.
We decided to celebrate World Book Day by celebrating one of our team members’ contributions to the literature industry.
Our Senior Systems Engineer Consultant David Green has contributed to multiple books as a technical reviewer. One of his proudest contributions was for the book Getting Started with PowerShell by Michael Shepard. This book provides a really good grounding in the basics of PowerShell and how to get started. Also included in this book are advanced concepts in PowerShell such as an introduction to functions and modules. This was the second book that David reviewed and the one that he contributed the most to. You can see a little bit about David and who he is (or was in 2015!) at the front of the book. But it is throughout the book that you will see his technical contributions.
Also recommend by David himself is a video course, rather than a book called PowerShell 3 Jump Start which is one of the most entertaining and informative video courses David has seen.
So, what are you doing to celebrate World Book Day?